Finn Halcyon

Located on Crystal / Mateus

“If you want to be a new man you have to stay in new places, and do new things, with people who never knew you before. If you go back to the same old ways, what else can you be but the same old person?”



CITY NAME: Finn Halcyon
AGE: 27
NAMEDAY: 14th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon.
OCCUPATION: Archer, Adventurer, Researcher
Physical Appearance
RACE: Miqo'te, Keeper
HEIGHT: 5'8" tall.
BUILD: Lean, toned.
EYE COLOR: Clouded grey, soft and muted.
HAIR COLOR: Dark blue, with teal green highlights.
DISTINCT FEATURES: Scar across left eye
LANGUAGES: Common, Doman, Amalj'aan fluently. Written knowledge of Ancient Allagan and Elezen.
Novice understanding of Garlean and Goblin.
Poor understanding of Huntspeak and Auri.

Motivations and Goals

Finn is motivated by a desire to prove himself worthy, not only to his estranged family but also to himself. Having been disowned by his parents at a young age for lacking magical talents, he strives to uncover the ancient mysteries of magic that have always eluded him. Finn’s main goal is to discover a way to harness or replicate magical abilities through non-magical means, believing that knowledge can empower anyone, regardless of their inherent gifts. His fascination with ancient glyphs and long-lost artifacts fuels his research and drives him deeper into the realms of academia and exploration.


Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Sophisticated / In Between / Crude
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful


Eldrin: The most significant relationship in Finn’s life, Eldrin was not only a mentor but also a father figure who taught him the importance of perseverance and self-acceptance.
The Halcyon Family:Despite their rejection, Finn longs for familial acceptance. His relationships with his parents remain strained, marked by disappointment and regret, pushing him to reconcile his past with the present.

RP Hooks

Here are a couple hooks to offer to get things rolling, if none of these catch your interest, that's okay! Let's write come up with something special together.

In search of hidden relics
Have you heard tales of an ancient relic, or perhaps in possession of one or know the whereabouts? You already have Finn’s interest. As a studied scholar and accomplished adventurer with a thirst of knowledge and knowing the unknown, he would be a eager and valuable addition to your party.

Guide or Gaurd
Setting forth through a unknown local? Finn has extensive knowledge of Eoreza and indebt knowledge of the flora and fauna across the realm and is a capable archer. With the proper motivation or coin he would be willing to serve as a guide or guard for your exploration.

In search of a Tutor?
Finn has a unsatiable thirst to learn the unknown and expand his studies.
He quick to befriend those that share his passion, and willing to share their specialization, whatever it may be. He is just as quick to share his own knowledge and notes on different disciplines.

Aether concerns
Finn finds it difficult to control his Aether and struggles to use magic, he can do some physical first aid but can't use any healing, offensive or defensive magics. His Aether comes out as more of a reflex in his attacks or shielding others from harm but lacks the ability to summon these powers at will. If you're a healer, he is always in need of your services, and if you're a teacher he would love to learn more about magic and you!

First impressions

Finn Halcyon is a young miqote in his mid-twenties, with tousled blue and teal green hair that often falls over his muted silver eyes. He possesses a lean and athletic build, honed from years of archery practice and scouting in the verdant forests of Gridania, the realm where he resides. Despite the physical prowess he exhibits, there is an underlying fragility to Finn—born into a family steeped in magical prowess, he has always been haunted by the absence of magical abilities himself. He has a natural affinity for nature and possesses a keen intellect that drives him toward research, particularly in understanding the fabric of magic itself, hoping to one day uncover the secrets of the arcane.Throughout his journey, Finn transforms from a disheartened boy seeking approval to a confident young man who embraces his identity. He learns that worth is not solely defined by magical abilities. By turning his perceived weakness into strength, he finds new ways to influence the world around him through his archery skills and research. His discoveries about the relationship between nature and magic lead him to establish a new philosophy that values knowledge and compassion over innate abilities.
In the grand climax of his journey, as he confronts remnants of his past during a confrontation with his parents, Finn stands firm in his beliefs, finally embracing his identity. He realizes that while he may never wield magic in the traditional sense, he can still harness the extraordinary power of knowledge and his relationships to forge his path and contribute meaningfully to the world of Eorzea.

Significant Events

The Disowning: At the age of ten, during the Halcyon family’s annual gala, which celebrates their long lineage of powerful sorcerers, Finn was publicly humiliated when he failed to demonstrate any magical prowess. In that moment, his parents, Lord and Lady Halcyon, stripped him of his family name, sending him away from the opulent estate to fend for himself.The Mentor: Finn found solace and guidance in a retired archer and alchemist named Eldrin, who lived on the outskirts of Gridania. Eldrin recognized Finn's potential and taught him the art of archery and the science behind magic and nature. Their bond became a pivotal relationship that helped Finn shape his identity.The Discovery: During one of his explorations, Finn stumbled upon an ancient, magical relic known as the "Heart of Aether." This object bestowed him with a temporary ability to manipulate nature, allowing him to communicate with plants and animals. This was a turning point in his life, motivating him further to explore the connections between magic and nature.The Quest for Knowledge: Finn embarked on various quests to obtain knowledge from enchanted libraries and mystical creatures, seeking to piece together the puzzle of how non-magic users can interact with and harness magic. These journeys introduced him to friends and allies, each with unique talents and backgrounds, who would help him in his quest.

A Interview with Finn Halcyon 1. Tell me about a one-off conversation you had with a stranger a long time ago. Why do you still remember this conversation? “When I was around twelve a fortune teller came through town, I gave the witch her toll and as she l


YES.• Lore compliance.• Low-powered characters.• Discord or in-game roleplay.• Para and multi-para rp. I average between 1-3 paragraphs, but am comfortable mirroring my RP partners.• Light hearted adventures to Dark or heavy themes.• Combat (either freeform or roll based).MAYBE.• Pre-established relationships with players I know well.• Short-term roleplay.• D&D-style events.• Retroactively roleplaying scenes from the past or time skips.NO.• Very over powerful or lore-breaking characters.• The use of in-game teleportation. I think it ruins the joy of travel and adventure!GUIDELINES.Standard roleplay disclaimers apply: I am not my character and my character's opinion, bla bla bla, I'm sure you read this a hundred times.I don't metagame and ask the same of my roleplay partners.
Communication and consent are the most important OOC aspects of RP to me.
Due to the mature nature of this character, I refuse to RP with minors and ideally prefer my RP partners to be (21+).I prefer OOC approaches, because I like to talk plots and plan a little before diving into any long-term roleplay together. I want to make sure the vibes are right and we're on the same page.I refuse to engage in trauma or violence for shock value. While I do roleplay criminal themes, I dislike characters that are edgy for the sake of being edgy.Additional note: I'm a returning player and enjoy running dailies, crafting, raiding and mount farming. I'm always looking for new friends to run stuff with, so send me a invite and I'll likely join!